Our numbers speak for themselves!

0 k+
Searches / month
0 +
Sellings per year
0 k+
Mature buyers
Owners have trusted us
Sell your house
in 5 fast & easy steps

Value your property based on reliable data

Value your property based on reliable data
Eye-catching property presentation

Eye-catching property presentation

Reach the right buyers with the right marketing

Reach the right buyers
 with the right marketing
Reach reliabe buyers, who are ready to buy

Reach reliabe buyers, who are ready to buy

Υou are in control of the sale

Υou are in control of the sale

Choose the right price and sell faster than average

What makes us unique

Traditional agencies
& Listing sites

Basic Prosperty presentation
Free valuation & market data
Premium Prosperty presentation
Lead generation
Qualified buyers
Marketing strategy per asset
Access to Analytics
Receive online viewing requests & offers
Guarantee sell in 6 months
Traditinioal agencies
& Listing sites
Commercial policy

In every policy, there is a plus

Standard Listing

Exclusive Listing

Premium Listing

Exclusive Listing

Premium Listing
* The guarantee applies to exclusive listings only. If, by the end of 6 months, no potential buyer is found , the agreement carries on with zero commission until the end of duration.
Let us do what we know best.

Your property will be sold fast & at the best price!

How can I submit my property?

The process is simpler than you think!

  1. You submit the property online
    All we need from you is to tell us a few things about your property and a member of the Prosperty team will take care of the whole process.
  2. You book an appointment for the property inspection
    Use our e-calendar and choose a date and time for our certified engineer to visit and inspect your property. You will then receive a detailed inspection report of your property, that you will be able to access online.
  3. Select the pricing plan
    It’s time to choose the pricing plan that best suits your needs. We provide various and flexible  plans, so you choose the one that covers your needs.
  4. Legal status check
    We continue with your property’s initial legal status check (i.e. valid property titles, etc.) and if everything is ok, we move on to the next step.
  5. Professional presentation
    We use advanced digital tools in order to make your property stand out. We present your property with professional photos, virtual 3D tours, drone videos and floor plans. If your property needs renovation, we can prepare an indicative before-and-after presentation to make it even more attractive to potential buyers.
  6. Your property is ready for our platform
    After a final check, your property page is ready to go live. A member of our team double checks the listing in detail and shares with you the link to your property page on our platform.
What happens after my property is listed on your platform?
  1. Technical Support
    Prosperty offers foll-service ongoing technical support to make your property sale-ready. We assist you to complete anything needed for your property to be ready for sale.

  2. Viewings and Analytics
    Viewings with potential buyers are schedoled online. You are notified of each viewing request.From your personal dashboard you can access all the analytics regarding your property.

  3. Offers Management
    Receive online offers from Greek and international buyers, negotiate the price and accept the best offer.

  4. Sign the pre-contract agreement
    The pre-contract agreement is prepared by one of Prosperty’s legal partners and you can e-sign it through the platform.
    This agreement is between you, Prosperty and the buyer, and it describes all the required conditions for the successfol completion of the sale. A deposit for your property will be made by the buyer in our secure escrow account.

  5. Sale Contract Preparation
    Prosperty’s legal and notary services prepare the contract and guarantee its finalizationt. You can monitor the whole process through your personalized dashboard. However, your personal Prosperty expert is by your side, ready to assist you, during the whole process.

  6. Sign the Contract and Cash in
    Meet up and sign the final contract in front of the notary. A successfol sale is completed and you can receive the proceeds now.
What is the marketability report and how can it help me?

Through the collection and analysis of reliable market data, we are able to export a detailed and accurate marketability report, providing a clear image of actual property prices & values by region. The marketability report provides a detailed analysis of how many properties have been sold in the past 3 years anywhere in Greece and the price they were sold for. This way, as a property owner, you have the ability to set an appealing and competitive starting price for your property, based on real data, and accomplish a faster sale.

What is included in the listing cost?

At Prosperty, we have created 3 different listing packages, so you can choose the one that suits your needs!

Standard Listing
: Prosperty undertakes the promotion of your property in the local market and its presentation on our platform with photos. There is no listing cost for you! In case we succeed in selling your property, we get a commission of 2%.

Exclusive Listing
: There is absolutely no listing cost for you with our exclusive listing package, other than the 2% commission in case of successful sale of your property. However, with this policy you enjoy some perks that the standard listing does not include.

You entrust us with the assignment of exclusive sale of your property and we provide you with:

  • Guaranteed sell within 6 months*
  • Access to the marketability report, comparing your property with similar properties in your area
  • Promotion through VIP digital channels and publishers
  • Marketing in 120 countries and direct promotion to 20,000 verified buyers
  • Impressive presentation with the use of professional photos, 360° virtual tour, drone videos and floorplans
  • Top ranking in the search results

If, by the end of 6 months, no potential buyer is found , the  agreement carries on with zero commission until the end of duration.

Premium Listing
: this policy includes:

  • Marketing in 120 countries and direct promotion to 20,000 verified buyers
  • Impressive presentation with the use of professional photos, 360° virtual tour, drone videos and floorplans
  • Get your marketability report, comparing your property with similar property in your area
  • High ranking in the Search results

The listing cost is 100 €, which is paid in a lump sum and, in case of successful sale of your property, we receive a commission of 2% on the agreed price.